STALLHOLDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS Coast Acoustics was established in 2005 to support live music on the Gold Coast. It is a not for profit community organisation run by volunteers. All proceeds go towards paying for club activities. Stallholders must complete a stallholder application, which is available on the club website. Stallholders must comply with all government health and safety requirements. Stallholders must carry all necessary permits and licenses for operating their stall. These will need to be presented to Coast Acoustics. Stallholders must show they have appropriate public liability insurance. Stallholders accept all responsibility for their own tax obligations, superannuation and worker’s compensation. If a suitable spot becomes available, the person nominated on the application form will be sent a letter of offer showing the details. Acceptance must be confirmed within 2 weeks. If any changes are proposed, Coast Acoustics must be notified. Coast Acoustics may amend the offer accordingly. Coast Acoustics gigs may be subject to change. If the gig is cancelled or changed, Coast Acoustics will advise ASAP but is under no obligation to pay any compensation to the stallholder. Stallholders are responsible for anything they bring to Coast Acoustics. Coast Acoustics is not responsible for any loss or damage. Stallholders must be on site at the time specified. If there is likely to be a delay, the nominated Coast Acoustics contact must be advised ASAP. Please respect our volunteers. Coast Acoustics reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone who is rude to volunteers, disruptive to patrons or demonstrates unwelcome behaviour. Coast Acoustics is located in a public park which is subject to Council laws. *